Venerdì 9 Gennaio sono previsti collegamenti tra l’astronauta Samantha Cristoforetti (IZ0UDF) dalla Stazione Spaziale Internazionale e alcune scuole romane. A terra l’evento è stato organizzato dai soci AMSAT e ARI I0ELE Emanuele, IZ0DIB Bruno, IK1SLD Claudio, IK0USO Marcelo e IW0CZC Stefano.
Il QSO è previsto per le 11:14 locali e sarà possibile ascoltare la Stazione Spaziale su 145,800 MHz (più o meno qualche kHz per via dell’effetto Doppler) in FM. Ricordiamo che l’uplink verso la ISS avviene su una frequenza diversa e quindi è inutile tentare collegamenti individuali facendo chiamata.
Il collegamento sarà trasmesso in diretta da Rai Radio3 a partire dalle ore 11.
Upcoming ARISS Contacts
as of January 5, 2015A contact with 3 Italian schools is scheduled for Fri 2015-01-09. The event will include students at Scuola Santa Teresa del Bambin Gesù, Roma, Italy, direct via IKØUSO, students at Istituto Salesiano Villa Sora, Frascati, Italy, direct via IWØCZC, and students at Scuola Pontificia Pio IX, Roma, Italy, via telebridge. The contact will be with IRØISS at 10:14:09 UTC 31 deg.
Scuola Santa Teresa del Bambino Gesù
The school “Santa Teresa del Bambino Gesù” is a catholic primary school in Rome, established to answer to the needs and demands for Catholic education by the local population.The school belongs to the Congregation of Missionary Carmelitane Sisters of Saint Therese of Jesus Child. The school is open to families that take care of the religious education and formation of their children. Preparation for the ISS radio contact has been underway for a long time, including educational projects on different scientific topics to support the special event.
Istituto Salesiano Villa Sora
Villa Sora is located on the side of the ancient Roman boulevard (now Via Tuscolana) in an area known as Tusculanus ager, which is full of sumptuous villas, including those of Cicero, Lucullus and Sulpicius Galba. This villa was built as a country house in the same grounds of Lucullus` villa in the mid-16th century and it was originally known as ‘Torricella’. The earliest documentation of its history dates back to 1546, when the Chapel of Sancta Sanctorum of Rome owned the villa. The land currently measures over 6 acres and includes, in addition to the house and the school, a large park with several building lots.The school of Villa Sora has a notable historical tradition. Since 1925, it has a primary school and a liceo classico. The liceo scientifico was founded in 1966 and in 1986 its admission was opened to girls. In 1989, the middle school was created, and finally, in 2011, a new liceo economico sociale was founded. The middle school now has 200 students divided in three classes. The liceo classico has 180 students, the liceo scientifico 280 and the liceo economico sociale 80, for a total of 740 students.